European soccer clubs and players seek greener pastures in China

ready for big draw chinadaily

Italian coach Marcello Lippi (center) talks to his assistants during his first match

managing Guangzhou Evergrande. Provided to China Daily


Expectations are running high that big-ticket names would soon make a beeline for soccer clubs in China, after former Italian World Cup-winning coach Marcello Lippi decided to be a part of the Chinese Super League (CSL).

Who's next is the question most posed by soccer aficionados. Many expect that it will be Didier Drogba, the Cote d'Ivoire international who has just helped English side Chelsea win this year's European Champions League Final.

Besides of the big crowds that these names automatically draw, fans are also hopeful that they will be a much-needed shot-in-the-arm for the sport in China. Many believe that soccer is still a long way from reaching the heights achieved by China on the economic front or in the international arena.

There is also the flip side to this whole phenomenon in the sense that China could prove to be a safe haven, considering that Europe, the bastion of soccer, is not exactly in the pink of health. Interest in the game is increasing in China, along with the number of rich people who have bulging investment pockets.

Earlier this month, defending CSL champions Guangzhou Evergrande started the soccer frenzy by roping in Lippi, who led Italy to a World Cup win in 2006. Club owner Xu Jiayin, a real estate baron, feels that the high-profile international coach will not only boost Guangzhou Evergrande's fortune, but also help it achieve an international reputation.

"We made the decision to sign Lippi a year ago, as we felt that it was in tune with our long-term strategic needs. We are looking to transform the club into an international-level one," Xu says.

Though neither Xu nor Lippi would disclose the exact remuneration, the 64-year-old Italian coach admitted that money was one of the big attractions for him to sign on the dotted line.

"I have turned down invitations from other European clubs and some from Qatar. The Guangzhou side's offer was more on the lines of what I would have made with any European club. So I thought why not take up the China offer," Lippi says.

The Milan-based La Gazzetta dello Sport reported that the Chinese club has offered Lippi in the region of 10 million euros for a single season.

The Italian coach is the biggest name to join Chinese soccer from Europe after Shanghai Shenhua signed French striker Nicolas Anelka from Chelsea at the beginning of this season.

Anelka's former Chelsea mate Drogba has also been linked to Shanghai, although his heroics in helping the London-based club win the FA Cup and UEFA Champions League could put a brake on his China plans.

Another reason why more soccer stars are heading toward China is the increased outlays being made by the clubs to acquire the services of foreign players, with a view to spruce up their international standings.

Paraguay international Lucas Barrios has agreed to a four-year transfer deal worth 8.5 million euros to play for Guangzhou Evergrande. The former Borussia Dortmund striker is expected to join the side next month.

The Guangzhou side has also signed a contract with Argentine midfielder Dario Conca, who set the Chinese league transfer record with a reported $10 million (7.9 million euros) deal last year.

Italian media also reported that 36-year-old AC Milan midfielder Clarence Seedorf has traveled to China for talks with several CSL clubs, such as Beijing Guo'an, Guangzhou Evergrande and Shanghai Shenhua.

Xu's company, Evergrande Real Estate Group, started its soccer involvement two years ago when it took over the Guangzhou club in March 2010 with an initial investment of 100 million yuan ($15.8 million, 12.7 million euros).

"Before being involved in China's sport sector, Xu's company was just a local real estate brand. But now it has gained an international reputation," says Xie Liang, a veteran soccer commentator with Radio Guangdong.

The company has continued with its investment in the soccer sector, and plans to start an international soccer school cooperative in September. Sources close to the company said its net profit increased from 8 billion yuan in 2010 to 11.8 billion yuan last year.

"As a businessman, Xu's goal in sports investment is very simple - to realize more profits in the long run," Xie says.

Apart from the Chinese sides hunting for famous coaches and top players, there has also been more interaction between China and the world's leading soccer powers in recent years.

English soccer education will also head toward China as FA Learning. The educational body of England's Football Association, based in London, reached an agreement last week to team up with London's Dr Sun Yi Xian's Youth Foundation.

According to the first partnership between China and the FA, the foundation will work with FA Learning to deliver a range of soccer training and education courses for coaches, players and referees in China.

Youth soccer education and training, the strength of English soccer according to Jamie Houchen, head of FA Learning, will be the focus of the partnership. A team of FA registered coaches is expected to visit China later this autumn to work with coaches from 62 Chinese cities.

Nelson Cheng, CEO of the foundation, praises the new partnership as "an exciting and immensely important step in developing cultural, educational, economic and sporting relations between China and the UK".

Economic interest, or revenue, however, has been the key driving force for Western clubs to enter and expand in the Chinese market in recent decades.

Playing commercial friendly matches in China was the most popular way till a few years back. Italian Serie A side Sampdoria, now in Serie B, played China's national team in Beijing in May 1994.

The match offered Chinese soccer fans the first ever chance to watch a leading European side play up close, and started a Sampdoria craze in China.

Following its early success, the Italian side came to China to play more commercial matches again in 1995, opening the door for other leading western clubs to follow suit.

Touring Asia and China is now a permanent fixture on the agenda of most European soccer clubs, especially in the period before the soccer season commences in Europe.

Past Serie A title and Coppa Italia winners, AC Milan and Inter Milan played their Suppercoppa Italiana match at the Bird's Nest stadium in Beijing in 2011.

Super Copa de Espana matches, between the winners of La Liga and the Copa del Rey, will also be played in Beijing in the next four years, according to a deal announced last week.

Real Madrid, this year's La Liga winner, will take on the winner of this weekend's cup final between Barcelona and Athletic Bilbao at a match in Beijing later this year.

Though the stakes are indeed high for European soccer players and clubs in China, there has also been criticism from several quarters that the foreign sides, officials and players have not done much to revitalize the game in China.

Revenue-oriented efforts in the Chinese market "don't necessarily" make European clubs "bad people", but "from a Chinese point of view, it's not necessarily in their (Chinese soccer fans) interests", says Sean Hamil, an expert on soccer management at Birkbeck College, University of London.

"I would raise serious questions about whether or not English clubs, for example, are going to China with a real idea of partnership," Hamil responds when asked to analyze English third-division League One side Sheffield United's unsuccessful experience in Chengdu, Sichuan province.

Kevin McCabe, Sheffield United chairman, returned to the southwestern Chinese city on Monday to "re-invest" in Chengdu Blades Soccer Club (CBFC), a Chinese second-division side Sheffield United sold in February 2011, according to reports in Chengdu Evening News.

Sheffield United took over the Chengdu side in 2006 from a local cigarette maker and renamed it Chengdu Blades, to share the same nickname.

Being promoted to the Chinese Super League more than one year later, the first ever English-owned Chinese side did not enjoy any lasting success and it was relegated to China League One in 2010 due to a match fixing scandal.

"We were very disappointed with our home team, as we initially expected the English club to spend huge sums on top players and also bring about advanced team management," says Zhang Jianning, a 57-year-old local fan.

"There is a question to be asked: is the relationship between European soccer clubs and the Chinese market opportunistic? Or is it genuinely strategic?" Hamil says, adding that limited financial resources might have hampered Sheffield United, as it is not a global brand by itself.

Noting he respect Sheffield United as a team, Hamil says that he considers the inability to shore up revenues as the prime reason the English club decided to move out of China.


source from: China Daily European Weekly - Ready for the big draw

China Daily European Weekly - Ready for the big draw PDF version



       新華社多哈於2022年12月16日電(記者王子江 王浩明)“中英校園足球項目”負責人鄭少強16日表示,為發展中國青少年足球運動,他擔任總幹事的英國孫中山青少年基金會將在廣州從化區上塘村興建中英足球教育園。

  孫中山青少年基金會是2003年在英國申請註冊成立的非營利機構,“中英校園足球項目” 是由該基金會在2012年與英格蘭足總簽署的長達15年的校園足球推廣協議,由基金會挑選被列入英足總和英格蘭校園足協名單的、擁有資深足球教學經驗的專家,為中國引進英格蘭校園足球啟蒙教育的新理念,推廣英式足球教育。

  “中英校園足球項目”第一步在中國開設教練課程,先後培訓了近300名掌握中英文教育技能、擁有國際認證證書的足球教練。 2018年7月,項目第二步啟動,他們與同濟大學開展合作,有15552名足球教學愛好者參加了基礎教學課程。




转载:新华社 2022-12-17 12:13:18 全文

转载:新华社- 语音简讯|中英足球教育园将在广东筹建 2022-12-17 16:08:05










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2016年03月10日14:55 來源:新華社

 Sino UK School Football Project 2016 3 10 1

(中英校園足球項目 圖片來源:中山實驗中學官網)

“中英校園足球項目”是由孫中山青少年基金會與英格蘭足總簽署的長達15年的校園足球推廣協議,英文名為“SINO-U.K School Football Project”。協議涵蓋了大中華地區(包括中國大陸、台灣、香港和澳門),由基金會挑選被列入英足總和英格蘭校園足協名單的、擁有資深足球教學經驗的專家,採用英國方面的教材,為大中華地區引進英格蘭校園足球啟蒙教育的新理念,推廣英式足球教育。該項目從一開始就得到了中國教育部和中國駐英國大使館等政府部門的支持。

     孫中山青少年基金會是一個在英格蘭註冊的非盈利機構,總幹事鄭少強1988年從香港移居英國,1992年與中國有關機構在倫敦合作出版英文刊物,介紹中國堅持經濟改革開放的有關政策,同時在廣東中山投資建立紡織廠。 2003年,他在北京天安門廣場舉辦中英校園足球起步儀式,開始為“中英校園足球項目”的前期起步籌集資金,推動該項目發展,探索中西方體育經濟和文化教育合作的新渠道。最終他得到了英國皇室主要成員和英國政府有關部門等機構的支持,並在中國有關部門的幫助下,在2012年5月與英足總達成“中英校園足球項目”的協議。





 Sino UK School Football Project 2016 3 10 2

(外教講解訓練內容 圖片來源:洛陽市實驗中學官網)


       第四、有利於海峽兩岸青少年校園足球的交流。 “中英校園足球項目”的協議覆蓋整個大中華地區,孫中山青少年基金會與英國的合作,將加強大中華地區青少年在校園足球方面的交流合作。 2015年10月,該項目已經與中國台北體育運動團體從業人員交流協會簽署了協議,進行為期5年的教學課程,在台灣校園中推廣“中英校園足球項目”的實施。








來源:新華社    (PDF 文檔版本

来源:每日頭條 - 中英校园足球交流面临机遇和挑战



2015年01月20日05:20 來源:南方日報


       南方日報訊 (記者/高薇)1月16日至23日,中英校園足球合作項目——英格蘭校園足球國際基礎課程中山市校園足球培訓班,在中山市實驗中學舉辦。在此期間,72名中小學體育教師,將接受6位英國教練的足球培訓,並參加教學實踐。考評合格者將被授予英足總頒發的結業證書,並獲得英格蘭校園足球國際培訓基礎教材的執教資格。




  培訓班執教的6名英國足球講師是具有英國校園足球教學資格證並擁有國際培訓班經驗的專業足球講師。他們是由英國孫中山青少年基金會遴選,經基金會律師確認並得到英足總核准後,應聘前來支教的。培訓班使用的教材仍是《英格蘭校園足球國際基礎教材》,這是中英校園足球合作項目的技術指導——英足總(The FA Group)授權英國孫中山青少年基金會在中國獨家全權使用的原版教材。



  為推動校園足球項目發展,今後足球特長生的培養將不再局限於中山市體育運動學校,教體局會逐步將足球項目下放至全市所有學校。 19日,記者從中山市教育和體育局獲悉,今年實驗小學和實驗中學將開始承接該項目,秋季學期起兩校將開設3個足球特長班。






2016年04月14日09:06 | 來源:新華社小字號
新華社倫敦4月13日體育專電 題:中英校園足球合作將進入快車道
















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