In order to push forward the cultural event in China proposed by Hong Kong Escape Re-enactment Organisation (HERO), on 29 May 2009, Prof Zhao Yongren Counsellor (Parlimentary Affairs) and Minister Chen Xiaodong, Deputy Head of Mission met with representatives from H.E.R.O. and China Culture Global Foundation (CCGF) at the Chinese Embassy in London.

Prof Zhao and Minister Chen met representatives from H.E.R.O. and CCGF

From left: Qiu Weiju, Chairman of China Culture Development Association; Chen Daming, former Political Commissar of Hong Kong-Kowloon Brigade East River Column ; From right: Nelson Cheng, CEO of China Culture Global Foundation
In August 2009, representatives of CCDA and CCGF visited some key members of the Society of the Veteran of East River Column in Guangdong, and discussed about H.E.R.O.'s re-enactment event planned to start on Christmas 2009.
At the meeting, former Political Commissar of Hong Kong-Kowloon Brigade East River Column, Mr Chen Daming, revealed many exciting stories took place during the rescues in Hong Kong WWII. All parties believed that the event would help strengthen the economic, cultrual and political relationship between two countries.

photo source: People's Daily London Branch
On 24th October 2009, representative of CCDA and CCGF and Mr Richard Hide, chairman of H.E.R.O. Executive Committee, signed the working agreement for the first re-enactment of H.E.R.O. in mainland China, to confirm the principles of the re-enactment and joint press release.