Xinhua News Agency (London) visited Ms Jane Bateman
The Football Association - Head of International Relations
The Sino-UK School Football Project is supported by the FA's training system.
Shao-Qiang Zheng, CEO of Dr. Sun Yi Xian's Youth Foundation, who proposed the project, says that the FA will start the coaches training program in selected schools this September.
Applicants will be chosen from 72 primary and secondary schools in 62 Chinese cities, and will include general curriculum teachers, that is, not just gym teachers.
This week, CNC correspondent had an exclusive interview with Jane Bateman, head of FA international relations, to find out more.
"For us to be able to look forward to developing a project for over 15 years, i think it's excellent, because football changes the way we might want to run it changes, but it also really gives you the opportunity to properly get to know what you want to achieve project, what China's objectives are, what England's objectives are, I think to be able to build a relationship to build a mutual understanding over a period such as 15 years it's really important goal to try to achieve, so I'm very pleased that agreement was reached, because I think it could only be beneficial to both parties."
According to Bateman, to enhance the next generation of professional and star players from around the world, football training is a huge priority for the FA.
"It has several interpretation in terms of how we delivery it, the FA has three called objectives in terms of how we govern the game, so one is governing the game effectively, two is building winning teams, and third is developing the game, so make football accessible to all, so those latitude points are really important, because without education, you are not going to achieve those objectives."
Referees, medics and administrators are also included in the joint training project.
The Football Association was formed in 1863. It's the oldest football association in the world and is responsible for overseeing all aspects of the amateur and professional game in England.
This year is the FA's 150th anniversary. Bateman said the ongoing Sino-UK football project has made significant improvements in football industry.
"I think that in 150 years being able to establish and start the partnership with the project is really important for us, it's significant, because there will be several landmarks this year in our anniversary year which we want to celebrate, and I think to the launch of this project, particularly being international project will be really important, and it will be even some more emphasis I think by virtual it being such a special year for the FA."
Meanwhile, China's soccer authority has officially announced that it's decided to end the contract with national team coach Jose Antonio Camacho.The 58-year-old agreed to step down without incident. After the Chinese national football slumped to a record low in the FIFA rankings in March, fans across the country had called for Camacho to be sacked.
From: CNC report from London - China, UK to launch football project
After a long and tiring journey from Beijing via London's Heathrow Airport and the M6, the Chinese party eventually arrived very late on Saturday 19th August. Very early on Sunday morning the young Chinese players and their coaches were up and working out to shake off the travel weariness from their bodies. Once the English players had arrived on Monday 21st August the Course started with a welcome from the ESFA Chairman, Mr Nigel Brown. Within the Chinese party were a number of VIP delegates from the Dr Sun Yi Xian's Youth Foundation, the China International Sports Exchange Centre, the Chinese FA and the Chinese Schools' FA.
The aim of the course was primarily 'improvement of skills', but it also allowed the ESFA international management team to have a first look at those players being recommended by their County Schools' FAs for international duty. Coaching sessions were held all week and the evenings were spent discussing such topics as 'diet and health' and motivation. Thankfully, a number of interpreters were available to translate the lectures for the Chinese team. Although all the players, Chinese and English, were mixed together in groups for the coaching it was decided that a training match should be held at Newcastle Town's ground between 17 players selected from the English trainees and the 17 man Chinese squad.
Despite the ground being under water at 9am on the morning of this training match, by the 7pm kick off time the surface was water free and absolutely perfect and the game was played in bright sunlight. The match provided some moments of skill and was competed at the highest level. The China team eventually coming out 1-0 winners after scoring from the penalty spot in the 38th minute. The events leading up the penalty caused the ESFA team to play the remaining 52 minutes with only 10 players.
All 34 players played in the game and were allowed, as a training match, to have repeated substitutions. This, however, did not spoil the enjoyment for a small but enthusiastic crowd. The Chinese Cultural Ambassador, Mr Ke Yasha, from the People's Republic of China Embassy in London attended the match and was introduced to all the players.
It is hoped that the English Schools' under 18 team will play two internationals in Beijing and Shanghai during the month of April 2007."
With UK Government backing from DCMS, DfES and The Football Association and the support of the Chinese Government and the Dr Sun Yi Xian's Youth Foundation, the Sino-UK School Football Project should allow for many school age players to experience the culture and way of life between two countries who both have a desire to educate their young people through a healthy activity such as football.
The Sino-UK Football Project is welcomed as the two countries draw nearer through sport and the forthcoming Olympics in Beijing (2008) and London (2012). The English Schools' Football Association would like to thank the Dr Sun Yi Xian's Youth Foundation, who organize and negotiate with sponsors to support for this long term Sino-UK School Football Project and look forward to working with the Foundation to further the intentions of the Sino-UK School Football Project."
Photo by RWT Photography
ESFA 26 Sep 2006
All programmes of “Sino-UK Schools Football Academy" are designed by football experts assigned by "Dr Sun Yi Xian's Youth Foundation".
All teaching materials for students are provided by "Dr Sun Yi Xian's Youth Foundation".
Note: By request of students' parents or guardians, "Sino-UK Schools Football" can provide luxury package tour in UK and neighboring countries customised for the family members or friends of the student throughout the programme in UK.
After a long and tiring journey from Beijing via London's Heathrow Airport and the M6, the Chinese party eventually arrived very late on Saturday 19th August. Very early on Sunday morning the young Chinese players and their coaches were up and working out to shake off the travel weariness from their bodies. Once the English players had arrived on Monday 21st August the Course started with a welcome from the ESFA Chairman, Mr Nigel Brown. Within the Chinese party were a number of VIP delegates from the Dr Sun Yi Xian's Youth Foundation, the China International Sports Exchange Centre, the Chinese FA and the Chinese Schools' FA.
The aim of the course was primarily 'improvement of skills', but it also allowed the ESFA international management team to have a first look at those players being recommended by their County Schools' FAs for international duty. Coaching sessions were held all week and the evenings were spent discussing such topics as 'diet and health' and motivation. Thankfully, a number of interpreters were available to translate the lectures for the Chinese team. Although all the players, Chinese and English, were mixed together in groups for the coaching it was decided that a training match should be held at Newcastle Town's ground between 17 players selected from the English trainees and the 17 man Chinese squad.
Despite the ground being under water at 9am on the morning of this training match, by the 7pm kick off time the surface was water free and absolutely perfect and the game was played in bright sunlight. The match provided some moments of skill and was competed at the highest level. The China team eventually coming out 1-0 winners after scoring from the penalty spot in the 38th minute. The events leading up the penalty caused the ESFA team to play the remaining 52 minutes with only 10 players.
All 34 players played in the game and were allowed, as a training match, to have repeated substitutions. This, however, did not spoil the enjoyment for a small but enthusiastic crowd. The Chinese Cultural Ambassador, Mr Ke Yasha, from the People's Republic of China Embassy in London attended the match and was introduced to all the players.
It is hoped that the English Schools' under 18 team will play two internationals in Beijing and Shanghai during the month of April 2007."
With UK Government backing from DCMS, DfES and The Football Association and the support of the Chinese Government and the Dr Sun Yi Xian's Youth Foundation, the Sino-UK School Football Project should allow for many school age players to experience the culture and way of life between two countries who both have a desire to educate their young people through a healthy activity such as football.
The Sino-UK Football Project is welcomed as the two countries draw nearer through sport and the forthcoming Olympics in Beijing (2008) and London (2012). The English Schools' Football Association would like to thank the Dr Sun Yi Xian's Youth Foundation, who organize and negotiate with sponsors to support for this long term Sino-UK School Football Project and look forward to working with the Foundation to further the intentions of the Sino-UK School Football Project."
Photo by RWT Photography
ESFA 26 Sep 2006
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