The Dr Sun Yi Xian's Youth Foundation and International Football College of Tongji University (2nd Stage) implemented the Sino-U.K School Football Project to train elite lecturers in Chinese football teaching (15 July, 2018)
“简单足球”专注于足球技能训练,课程时间为7天或14天,全程在位于莱斯特大学 (Leicester University) 的“大卫·贝克汉姆足球学校”进行。
“足球+英语”课程时间为14天,包含一周的英语能力提高课程以及一周的足球技能训练。第一周为英语语言课程,共7天,在英格兰东北部海岸的Funcoast World进行。之后学员将前往莱斯特大学 (Leicester University)参加为期5天的“大卫·贝克汉姆足球学校”训练课程。
Global Assets -- Our Philosophy
After more than a century of great efforts, China has entered an era of national revival. The world has focused its attention on China's overall national strength. But the progress of social development has not always been smooth and challenges and opportunities exist side by side. The Chinese people are searching for a better way to sustain development and make the country more powerful and prosperous. The thoughts of the Father of the Nation Dr. Sun Yat-sen (Dr. Sun Yi Xian) are still well worth pursuing: "Based on our own particular social circumstances, we can look at examples from the rest of the world to reform our own society, thereby enabling our country to make progress and all our people to be wealthy." In recent years, the Chinese have been striving to strengthen cultural exchanges with the rest of the world. In the past 10 years especially, China has taken significant steps toward enhancing exchanges with the United Kingdom, a major player in the creative sector in the West.
Note: Detailed information can be found on the "Global Assets" official website. All enquiries are welcome.
Global Assets Organisation
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Welcome to The Sino-UK School Football Project, to the England to take part in English School Football teaching programme in England.
B. Football English Language Programme
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